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Type: No Run-Around Track

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Tuesday, May 05, 2020 at 14:01:07 ADT.)

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

HO SCALE: Allied Manufacturing Company (Single Industry Design)

I just completed this design for a client who wanted a HO-scale layout of a modern single industry using an Inglenook. The space available was a generous 16-inch by 9-feet but the layout had to be self contained without any additional staging tracks or add-ons. Although my client hasn't determined what type of industry he will eventually model, I decided...

2020.03.05B-001.gif (19121 bytes)

Views: 2805 | Comments: 2

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Theme: Single Industry, Theme: Switching Operations, Type: 2 Turnout Layout, Type: Inglenook, Type: No Run-Around Track, Articles: Minimalist Approach to Layout Design, Types of Industries: Manufacturing Plant

Posted in Articles by Rob Chant. (Updated Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 17:27:30 ADT.)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

ARTICLE: The Sissiboo Pulp & Paper Mill (Getting the most out of your small space)

This article is more about getting the most out of the space you have available than it is about modeling a pulp and paper mill. I just used a paper mill as an example of how an industry that covers a great deal of real estate in the 1:1 world can be shoe-horned into a reasonably sized footprint. However, to attain my goals for this project I had...

2020.03.07B-402.jpg (348105 bytes)

Views: 6394 | Comments: 9

TAGS: Design Feature: Train Elevator, Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: Inglenook, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Pulp and Paper Mills

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Monday, July 11, 2022 at 6:41:43 ADT.)

Monday, July 11, 2022

HO SCALE: Nova Scotia Railway ( Sydport Industrial Park )

Back in August of 2018, I was looking at building a small HO layout for myself based on an Inglenook design that would keep me occupied switching a few cars around. The layout was only 1' x 6' and would use a hollow core door as the base sitting on a few metal shelf brackets. I planned to put the layout in my spare room, but that changed. (For those that...

2020.03.07D-001.gif (17731 bytes)

Views: 8159 | Comments: 1

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Industrial Park / District, Theme: Switching Operations, Type: 2 Turnout Layout, Type: Based on Actual Location(s), Type: Inglenook, Type: No Run-Around Track, Canada (Provinces): Nova Scotia, My Projects: Nova Scotia Railway

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Monday, December 04, 2023 at 21:08:24 AST.)

Monday, December 04, 2023

HO SCALE: L-Shaped Modern Industry (ISL)

This was done as part of a challenge on the Micro/Small Model RR Layouts Facebook group to design a HO-scale layout to fit in a 6'x6' corner. For this attempt, I decide to go with a modern single industry. Although I didn't specify the type of industry depicted, it could easily work for a few types. The plan is self- contained, with a reasonable sized...

2020.03.08B-001.gif (37218 bytes)

Views: 4815 | Comments: 1

TAGS: Layout Size: Compact Layouts, Theme: Single Industry, Theme: Switching Operations, Type: No Run-Around Track

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, March 08, 2020 at 11:12:00 ADT.)

Sunday, March 08, 2020

HO SCALE: International Pulp and Paper Company

This design was done for a client back in March of 2019 that liked the paper mill I used on my Great Lakes & New England Ry design which was actually taken from another layout that was in progress for yet another client and his Brownville & Ashland Ry (Yes, I do like to recycle my pixels.) This latest client was looking for a single...

2020.03.08E-001.gif (17278 bytes)

Views: 3238 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Single Industry, Type: 3 Turnout Layout, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Pulp and Paper Mills

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Friday, June 14, 2024 at 3:43:28 ADT.)

Friday, June 14, 2024

HO SCALE: Lockport Industrial (in 4 square feet)

Back in May of 2018, I was asked to design a micro urban industrial switching layout set in the transition era. The client also sent a track plan for a waterfront scene that he liked (I did as well), and wanted it used as the basis for the design that he wished to be mocked up in 3D. I assumed the track plan was from a British source, since it used a...

2020.05.09B-001.gif (18741 bytes)

Views: 4606 | Comments: 13

TAGS: Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Staging Options: Drop Down, Staging Options: Fiddle Track, Theme: Switching Operations, Theme: Urban Industrial Railway, Theme: Waterfront, Type: 3 Turnout Layout, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Wharves

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, May 09, 2020 at 14:25:00 ADT.)

Saturday, May 09, 2020

HO SCALE: Engine Terminal (Medium Sized)

This HO-scale medium-sized engine terminal was done for a member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layouts Facebook group and was to be based on the Santa Fe in the 1950s and 60s. I didn't have any Santa Fe motive power available, so I had to use Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry GP7s and GP9s, and a few switchers and vans from that Canadian line. The layout...

2020.05.09K-001.gif (33751 bytes)

Views: 2827 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Theme: Engine Terminals, Type: No Run-Around Track

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Monday, July 19, 2021 at 21:08:05 ADT.)

Monday, July 19, 2021

HO SCALE: Rearden Metal Products, Inc

Back in October of 2019, a new member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layouts Facebook group shared his first post outlining his plans to enhance his programming track module by including an electric arc furnace steel mill within the 24x72-inch space. I felt member could use the space much better than his concept drawing depicted, so I decided to mock up...

2020.05.09N-001.gif (28941 bytes)

Views: 2388 | Comments: 2

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Steel Mill (Small)

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 2:02:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

O SCALE: Pickering Valley Feed & Farm Supply Co.

I was asked by member of the Micro/Small Layout group to offer some suggestions for an 20x72-inch extension off his existing circa late 1950's O-scale layout. He wanted to keep trackage to a minimum with an industry suitable for Pennsylvania , southern New York, or West Virginia that was served by box cars and flat cars....

2021.02.14A-001.gif (35732 bytes)

Views: 1344 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Theme: Single Industry, Type: 1 Turnout Layout, Type: No Run-Around Track, USA (States): Pennsylvania

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 3:04:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

On30 SCALE: Gowrie Colliery Tramway (No Turnout Layout)

I'm in the process of writing an article for my blog that highlights and explains some different types of micro and small layouts and how they are operated. I plan to start with a very simple layout, and then increase the complexity as the article progresses. I will try to go into detail on how I see each one being operated, and the options that can be...

2021.02.14B-001.gif (24965 bytes)

Views: 1169 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Mining, Theme: Narrow Gauge Railway, Theme: Waterfront, Type: No Run-Around Track, Type: No Turnout Layout, Types of Industries: Coal Mines, Types of Industries: Wharves

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 3:56:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

On18 SCALE: Fugere Manufacturing & Fabrication, Limited (Concept Drawing)

Late last year, a member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layout group was discussing building a layout in On18 scale. Since I had never designed in that scale before, I contacted him about designing a layout in a small space using either a sector plate, or a transverse table. While trying to decide what I was going to do in the scale, I came...

2021.02.14C-001.gif (51020 bytes)

Views: 833 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Design Feature: Train Elevator, Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Manufacturing Plant

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 14:59:57 ADT.)

Saturday, March 27, 2021

HO SCALE: Mountenay Manufacturing Company

This is a HO-scale industrial complex that I just completed for a member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layouts in a 40x50-inch foot print. The track plan really had an easy button on it since I have done a few "industries in a corner" in the past. It was actually inspired by a modified and flipped version of a manufacturing company I did...

2021.02.14G-001.gif (189829 bytes)

Views: 1976 | Comments: 4

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Manufacturing Plant

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 7:56:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 19, 2023

HO SCALE: Sweet Tooth Bakery & Milling Co

This is an HO Scale track plan I did for a client back in October of 2020. The footprint is 14x72 inches and the owner wanted a single industry layout with as many car spots as possible. He left the choice of the industry up to me, but he wanted to shuffle around covered hoppers and box cars, and possibly tank cars. I decided on depicting a...

2023.02.18G-[AB].jpg (246545 bytes)

Views: 2822 | Comments: 3

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Bakeries

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Friday, June 25, 2021 at 9:10:00 ADT.)

Friday, June 25, 2021

HO SCALE: Switching Spur (Dallas, TX)

This track plan was mocked-up back in May of 2020, but back then I didn't have the time to do the 3D work. Over the last year, I have been picking at adding the 3D scenery as time permitted, and I finally got it completed. The prototype for this layout is a group of neat little spurs located on the Dallas, Garland, & Northeastern RR ...

2021.06.25A-001.gif (31517 bytes)

Views: 1599 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Compact Layouts, Staging Options: Cassette Staging, Theme: Switching Operations, Type: Based on Actual Location(s), Type: No Run-Around Track, USA (States): Texas, American Railways: Dallas, Garland, & Northeastern RR

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 8:20:00 ADT.)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

HOn30 SCALE: Port Haney Brick & Tile Company

Since two member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layout group decided to build an HOn30 layout based on my Marble Mountain Quarry design, it was decided that one would stay with the original premise for the layout, and the second modeler would use another theme for his slightly bigger footprint...

2021.06.26C-001.gif (72614 bytes)

Views: 844 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Staging Options: Turn Table (Train Length), Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Brick Works