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Types of Industries: Brick Works

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 11:22:00 AST.)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

G-SCALE (1:22.5): Riverside Brick & Clay Company

This design was done for a member of a Facebook small layout group, who was trying to decide between a small switching layout in G-scale, or a traction layout done in O-scale. Of course, I like a good challenge, so offer to mock something up in G-scale for him. This was actually my first attempt at designing something in G-scale for...

2020.01.19B-001.gif (35261 bytes)

Views: 1405 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Mini Layouts, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: 2 Turnout Layout, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Brick Works

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 8:20:00 ADT.)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

HOn30 SCALE: Port Haney Brick & Tile Company

Since two member of the Micro/Small Model RR Layout group decided to build an HOn30 layout based on my Marble Mountain Quarry design, it was decided that one would stay with the original premise for the layout, and the second modeler would use another theme for his slightly bigger footprint...

2021.06.26C-001.gif (72614 bytes)

Views: 844 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Layout Size: Micro Layouts, Staging Options: Turn Table (Train Length), Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: No Run-Around Track, Types of Industries: Brick Works