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Types of Industries: Steel Plant

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Monday, October 21, 2019 at 12:42:00 ADT.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

HO SCALE: Dominion Steel & Coal Corporation (DOSCO) at Sydney, Nova Scotia

Back in 2005, I fooled myself into believing that I knew enough about making steel that I could actually build a layout to represent the industry. I did a bit of a research and knew I wanted to include as many steps in the process as I could. I not only wanted the blast furnace, but also the import system for the raw materials...

Views: 1219 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Design Feature: Interchange, Design Feature: Loads In / Out, Layout Size: Medium Layouts, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Canada (Provinces): Nova Scotia, Canadian Railways: Dominion Steel & Coal Corporation (DOSCO), Types of Industries: Coke Plant, Types of Industries: Steel Plant

Posted in Layout Designs by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, May 09, 2020 at 8:28:00 ADT.)

Saturday, May 09, 2020

HO SCALE: Sydney Steel Corporation (SYSCO) at Sydney, Nova Scotia

The owner of this layout liked my plan for the Dominion Steel & Coal Corporation (DOSCO) in the 1950s, which was presented earlier on this blog (see this link). However, he wanted the era shifted to the 1980s, when the mill was owned by the Sydney Steel Corporation (SYSCO), and he also needed the plan adapted to fit...

2020.05.09C-001.gif (39797 bytes)

Views: 1440 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Design Feature: Interchange, Layout Size: Small Layouts, Theme: Industrial Railway, Theme: Single Industry, Type: Based on Actual Location(s), Canada (Provinces): Nova Scotia, Canadian Railways: Sydney Steel Corporation (SYSCO), Types of Industries: Coke Plant, Types of Industries: Steel Plant