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CATEGORY: Paperwork Samples

Posted in Paperwork Samples by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 09, 2020 at 11:12:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 09, 2020


This is a draft copy of the Time Table I plan to use on my On30-scale Sydney & Louisburg Coal & Railway Company layout. It actually took me a while to come up with a working version of this, and my original version had eight daily trains (four in each direction) to handle the daily traffic load. I used the operating mode of 3rd PlanIt to...

2020.02.09B-001.gif (50184 bytes)

Views: 791 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Paperwork: Time Table

Posted in Paperwork Samples by Rob Chant. (Updated Sunday, February 09, 2020 at 10:58:00 AST.)

Sunday, February 09, 2020


This is a first draft of the switchlist I plan to use on my On30-scale Sydney & Louisburg Coal & Railway Company layout. I looked at several prototype swicthlists from my early 1900's era and ended up combining features from a few of them to produce my version. Once waybills are printed from my traffic generating spread sheet, I will hand write the needed information...

2020.02.09A-001.gif (31060 bytes)

Views: 827 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Paperwork: Switch List

Posted in Paperwork Samples by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, January 04, 2020 at 17:39:00 AST.)

Saturday, January 04, 2020


This was a first draft of the waybill I planned to use on my On30-scale Sydney & Louisburg Coal & Railway Company layout. After looking at a few of prototype waybills appropriate for my early 1900's era, I ended up settling on a version that combined features from a few of them. I was also able to tie these waybills into my traffic generating spread sheet, so the required information would be automatically added. The waybill would then be printed with four waybills per sheet of paper, the cut along the separation lines.

2020.01.04R.gif (16968 bytes)

Views: 853 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Paperwork: Waybill

Posted in Paperwork Samples by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, January 04, 2020 at 16:42:00 AST.)

Saturday, January 04, 2020

PAPERWORK SAMPLES: Train Order Form 19

This is a draft copy of the train order I was planning to use on my On30-scale Sydney & Louisburg Coal & Railway Company layout. The layout is set in 1916, so "Telegraphic Train Order" is appropriate for the era. Although I am making allowances for having a dispatcher, I really didn't want operations to get that involved. I have been searching for a simpler method to dispatch trains, but I am not having much luck.

2020.01.04Q.gif (13993 bytes)

Views: 741 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Paperwork: Train Order

Posted in Paperwork Samples by Rob Chant. (Updated Saturday, January 04, 2020 at 11:44:00 AST.)

Saturday, January 04, 2020


A sample of a waybill used during an op-session on a model railroad layout.

2020.01.04P.gif (21144 bytes)

Views: 789 | Comments: 0

TAGS: Paperwork: Waybill